Pythia allows you to scale up CS agents and CS managers productivity. This is achieved via enhanced usage and management of answer templates (macros and shortcuts) – one of the most important productivity tools in Zendesk.
Below we provide a detailed comparison of Pythia and default Zendesk features and how agents and managers benefit from them.


Basic Features
Reply Suggestions |
– |
Yes |
- No more manual selection of top used macro via Apply macro button in Zendesk
- Get rid of long manual macros search
- Preview macro easily (Enterprise feature in Zendesk)
- Filter relevant macros by Brand (!)
Apply or Submit |
Apply only |
Both |
- Apply macros in one click (without manually navigating through Apply macro dropdown in Zendesk)
- Submit macro in one click (without manually finding, applying and submitting macro)
Advanced Search |
Titles only |
Titles + Texts |
- Find relevant macros/shortcuts faster both by their title and description
Quick Buttons |
– |
Yes (Support) |
- Save up to 8 macros with individual preferences
- Apply or Submit saved macro in one click
Short Titles |
– |
Yes (Support) |
- Find macros easier by their short titles
- Add many levels of grouping and don't worry about titles being too long
Advanced Features
Macros AutoApply |
– |
Yes (Support) |
- Save significant time for any macros search and manual apply
Macros AutoSubmit |
– |
Yes (Support) |
- Save even more time by providing automatic replies with macros
Macros Usage Reporting |
Up to 30 days (Enterprise feature) |
Yes (Support) |
- Get macros usage stats over time with brands, forms, and groups filtering experience
- Manage agents' individual macros usage behavior